Reflect on your experience at the “Show-A-Thing Feedback Sessions” event:
What do you need to change or develop to encourage your ideal interaction?
What additional research would help advance your project?
Do you need to update your production timeline?
What additional user testing do you have to do?
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to join in the show a thing show event as I had a really bad sickness and was unable to participate. However, Craig and Ruta have been helping me to connect with the people I was supposed to meet with last Wednesday. I've already met with Cezar Mocan and had a great discussion with him. He gave me some great feedback on how to continue improving on my game. We discussed different ways to continue pushing my idea further and maybe how to go beyond just bringing awareness to users, but figuring out what else I could ask of them. Also using my game to mix personal stories with facts and play with the user's emotions to increase the effectiveness of my game. We also talked about mixing up the medium of a trivia game and maybe mixing things up so it can be different from a general trivia game.
I think to best utilize this feedback, I would have to do some more research on trivia games, in general, to rethink what's been done and what more I can add to my game. I think it would also be beneficial to do more research on the backgrounds or the sports I want to cover. When I started creating my prototype, I realized that I didn't know as much as I thought I did about women's sports and to incorporate more emotion into the game, I think I should do more research on some of the best moments in the past few years to best utilize the emotions of my audience. I may need to update my production timeline a little bit, just by a week to catch up on missing some time and to incorporate more research. I do also want to finish a basic prototype for people to test and get more opinions and feedback on the mechanics of my game and how I want my game to work.